Foto Forum Santa Fe
Sitting with Sage Paisner in his new gallery space, Foto Forum Santa Fe, I am met with the feeling that photography can create a sense of community, togetherness...
July 30, 2018
Sitting with Sage Paisner in his new gallery space, Foto Forum Santa Fe, I am met with the feeling that photography can create a sense of community, togetherness...
Hatty Nestor • July 30, 2018
Richard Levy Gallery: Confession: water freaks me out. Floods, hurricanes, waves of any size, hail, steam, swamps, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, snow—it doesn’t matter. And don’t get me started on modern plumbing or droughts, for that matter. Regardless of form...
Nancy Zastudil • June 28, 2018
Karen Miranda Rivadeneira, a Santa Fe–based artist by way of Ecuador and New York began laying the groundwork for her project, In the Mouth of the Mountain Jaguar Everybody is a Dancing Hummingbird, nearly eleven years ago when she first visited a small region of the...
Angie Rizzo • June 28, 2018
Laura Gilpin saw the landscape of the Southwest as a constitutive element of the human cultures that formed there. Among the few women artists who took active part in landscape photography in the early and mid-twentieth century, Gilpin’s photos stand out against the pristine...
Jenn Shapland • June 01, 2018
UNM Art Museum: The whir of air conditioning swells as viewers descend the stairs of the UNM Museum of Art into the cave-like rooms that contain Patrick Nagatani: A Survey of Early Photographs. Blonde wood chairs sit at the bottom of the staircase in the...
Maggie Grimason • June 01, 2018
25 years ago in the May 1993 issue of The Magazine:
Southwest Contemporary • May 01, 2018
It started with a disagreement between the photographer Wendy Young and a friend about Confederate monuments and whether or not they should be taken down. The conflict triggered an exploration into her beliefs, education, and roots in the American South. Young was raised in Pensacola, Florida, and recalls studying the Lost Cause...
Angie Rizzo • May 01, 2018
Images in Silver begins with a quote from famed French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. “Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing,” it goes, “and when they have vanished, there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again.” Photography, then...
Maggie Grimason • May 01, 2018
UNM Art Museum: Meridel Rubenstein’s photographs brought me to the Bible, which I hadn’t read in earnest since I took a great books class in college. I probably don’t need to tell most people that the Book of Genesis is, at least from a literary perspective, a bit confusing and disorganized...
Chelsea Weathers • April 01, 2018
Foto Forum: “Photographs are a way of imprisoning reality, understood as recalcitrant, inaccessible; of making it stand still,” Susan Sontag wrote in On Photography. Although she isn’t directly referencing prisons, they are continually a reality which is systematically...
Hatty Nestor • April 01, 2018
Light, shadow, and doors opened and closed are a few of the subjects of Santa Fe–based photographer Natalie Christensen. Informed by Carl Jung and a twenty-five-year career as a psychotherapist, Christensen looks for symbols in the Southwestern urban landscape that “reveal psychological...
Angie Rizzo • February 01, 2018
This series began lying in bed lazily photographing the clouds tripping along the horizon of the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico, home to Los Alamos National Laboratory...
Southwest Contemporary • November 01, 2017
Christian Michael Filardo takes photographs constantly. A hand holds a switchblade near a blurry-socked leg; a drone floats in a twilit sky above a cholla cactus; soap suds cover the windows of a car. A tattooed arm, melted candles, broken glass, leafy houseplants, tainted concrete, dirt, cats, the back of a shaved head. An omnipresent flash ...
Chelsea Weathers and Clayton Porter • October 01, 2017
Tom Harjo’s Portraits from Standing Rock provide insight into an event that was difficult to see. Using still photography, he portrays the people, the emotions, the interactions, and the violence that law enforcement in South Dakota tried to shield from public view in 2016. Harjo’s...
Jenn Shapland • October 01, 2017
Review Santa Fe is the multifaceted flagship program of CENTER and is one of the premier juried [...]
Southwest Contemporary • October 01, 2017
In the new documentary that accompanies the exhibition Frida Kahlo:Her Photos, curated by Mexican photographer and historian Pablo Ortiz Monasterio, reference is made at the very beginning to Kahlo’s horrific accident at the age of eighteen. It was the dreadful collision of a bus with...
Diane Armitage • October 01, 2017
This is what happens when a photographer with a graphic design sensibility uses paper to make large-scale installation that ends up being a constructed photography series. [...]
Southwest Contemporary • September 01, 2017
Lannan Foundation: Roni Horn’s series of photographs of the river Thames—each one capturing a different texture of the opaque and oily water—creates a portrait of the river as if it were [...]
Diane Armitage • September 01, 2017
Jeremy was born in Albuquerque, NM, in 1994. His artistic journey began once he could scribble on the walls with crayons. At age 11, he picked up a skateboard and started a new personal adventure. [...]
• August 01, 2017
UNM Art Museum: The Arctic has for so long been defined by distance, both geographically and conceptually. Called the Far North because it is far from some perceived [...]
Jenn Shapland • August 01, 2017
Patina Gallery presents two exhibitions in celebration of the world premiere of The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs at the Santa Fe Opera on July 22, 2017. [...]
Southwest Contemporary • July 01, 2017
Donald Woodman’s photographic career spans over four decades including extensive work in the fields of commercial, scientific, and fine art photography [...]
Southwest Contemporary • June 01, 2017
Chair & Wall 2. Harvey Morgenbesser lives and works in Santa Fe, NM [...]
Southwest Contemporary • April 01, 2017
In art history classes, the slide pair is a powerful tool. Project two images side by side, and they are like two flint rocks, one setting a spark off the other. Compare and contrast: it’s always easier to understand something when you can say what it is not [...]
Chelsea Weathers • February 01, 2017
Worldwide, we take a lot of pictures—over one trillion per year, in fact. Many of them, snapped with smartphone cameras, earn only seconds of our attention before being deleted or forgotten, replaced by the next “grammable” moment. Whether you believe...
Megan Schultz • December 01, 2016
Lowrider Summer brought an onslaught of exhibitions, parades, and events to Santa Fe in 2016, but don’t let lowrider burn-out set in just yet...
Southwest Contemporary • November 01, 2016
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Site by Think All Day
369 Montezuma Ave, #258
Santa Fe, NM, 87501