Call for Artists: Bodies//Boundaries
Southwest Contemporary is excited to announce a call for entries for its first issue of 2021: Bodies//Boundaries.
November 12, 2020
Southwest Contemporary is excited to announce a call for entries for its first issue of 2021: Bodies//Boundaries.
Southwest Contemporary • November 12, 2020
Catch up on southwest arts headlines from October: people on the move, grants awarded, new appointments, and more.
Southwest Contemporary • November 04, 2020
Recent museum attendance numbers reveal the disparate impact the pandemic is having on local arts communities.
Patrick McGuire • November 03, 2020
Dancing Earth’s BTW US Cyberspace imagines digital space as a realm of creative gathering and regeneration.
Tamara Johnson • November 03, 2020
After six months of government-mandated lockdown, museums across New Mexico are reopening. Here's what you need to know.
Southwest Contemporary • November 03, 2020
Writer and dancer Marlee Grace explores the practice of returning (again and again) to center in her new book.
Maggie Grimason • November 02, 2020
203 Fine Art presents an exhibition in cooperation with the Harwood Museum of Art. 203 Fine Art and the participating artists aim to support the Harwood's ongoing mission to bring art and culture to the Taos community.
Southwest Contemporary • October 27, 2020
From the EditorInside Southwest ContemporaryNews
Whether you've valued our content over the last 28 years, or the last 28 days, now is the time we need your help the most.
Lauren Tresp • October 26, 2020
The 12th annual Santa Fe Independent Film Festival opens October 14, 2020. The usual multitude of parties and events is on-hold till next year, but the eclectic mix of acclaimed independent films remains.
Daisy Geoffrey • October 12, 2020
New Mexico Artist to Know Now Eric-Paul Riege (Diné) updates us on the work he's been making, the space he's holding, and material as a teacher.
Daisy Geoffrey • October 12, 2020
New Mexico Artist to Know Now Cedra Wood updates us on her current work, reflecting rather than producing, and the subject of mortality.
Daisy Geoffrey • October 06, 2020
Southwest Makeup Institute, the only makeup and special effects school in New Mexico, has a new partnership with IATSE 480, preparing students for professions in film and television.
Daisy Geoffrey • October 05, 2020
Catch up on southwest arts headlines from September: people on the move, grants awarded, and more.
Southwest Contemporary • October 01, 2020
After six months of government-mandated lockdown, museums across New Mexico are reopening. Here's what you need to know.
Southwest Contemporary • September 23, 2020
New Mexico Artist to Know Now Frank Blazquez updates us on his latest documentary work and writing for The Guardian.
Daisy Geoffrey • September 21, 2020
The recently opened Taos Ceramics Center is establishing a creative space for artists local to Taos and beyond.
Ann Landi • September 21, 2020
Larger Than Memory includes works made by Indigenous artists from North America in the first two decades of this century.
Rembrandt Quiballo • September 17, 2020
Justin Richel updates us on his current projects and the vital role of art-making.
Daisy Geoffrey • September 15, 2020
NM Artist to Know Now Danielle Shelley updates us on her current work within the political and social landscape, and making art as an act of faith.
Daisy Geoffrey • September 07, 2020
Earthseed Black Arts Alliance New Mexico aims to build community for Black artists in Santa Fe, and highlight their contributions to the city and its history.
Ellie Duke • September 07, 2020
New Mexico Artist to Know Now William T. Carson updates us on his practice since the pandemic, working with sound, and creating without expectation.
Daisy Geoffrey • September 04, 2020
Comic book stores, using their wits and their devoted customers, are pleasantly surprised to find themselves surviving the apocalypse.
Asuri Ramanujan Krittika • September 03, 2020
Catch up on southwest arts headlines from August: people on the move, grants awarded, artist representation, and more.
Southwest Contemporary • September 01, 2020
New Mexico Artist to Know Now Andrea Pichaida gives us an update on her new work, her studio practice, and making art in the time of global unrest.
Daisy Geoffrey • August 28, 2020
Artists descended on downtown Albuquerque, a “ghost town” after the pandemic, for two weeks to paint the boarded-up windows...
Asuri Ramanujan Krittika • August 27, 2020
Music venues and festivals are embracing creativity and resourcefulness to stave off financial ruin and bring live music to audiences at a time when they desperately need it.
Patrick McGuire • August 24, 2020
New Mexico Artist to Know Now Joe Ramiro Garcia updates us on his current work and studio practice.
Daisy Geoffrey • August 24, 2020
Currently, New Mexico ranks 50th in the US for self-response to the 2020 census. Each individual who is counted in the census brings in $37,500 for the state over the course of 10 years.
Ellie Duke • August 23, 2020
Taos-based artist c marquez, one of SWC's 12 NM Artists to Know Now, updates us on their practice, new pieces, and wishes for the arts community.
Daisy Geoffrey • August 21, 2020
Rapheal Begay, one of SWC's 12 NM Artists to Know Now, updates us on his work and relationship to art since the COVID-19 pandemic, which he has spent at home in Navajo Nation. He continues to advocate for Indigenous aesthetics and visual sovereignty.
Daisy Geoffrey • August 18, 2020
Copyright © 2025 Southwest Contemporary
Site by Think All Day
369 Montezuma Ave, #258
Santa Fe, NM, 87501