Hi everyone,
I’m excited to be careening into spring, and before you know it, it will be summer! I can already tell from our overflowing calendar of events that the New Mexico arts season is soon upon us. There are plenty of events and openings to look forward to this month, but first, take some time to work your way through our new May issue. This month, we feature a studio visit interview with Albuquerque artist Grace Rosario Perkins (p. 20), whose work is also featured on this issue’s cover. Rachel Preston Prinz takes us on a deep dive into Alexander Girard’s influence on and legacy in northern New Mexico (p. 34) in light of the major exhibition of the designer’s work at the Museum of International Folk Art opening this month (May 3-October 27, 2019) in Santa Fe. Jenn Shapland recently visited El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and wrote a Field Report (p. 40) to give us an introduction to the growing arts scene that straddles the US-Mexico border.
In our other departments, we cover everything from film to theater, from poetry to a glass of rosé (and may I also suggest a glass of rosé while reading?). Be sure to take a look at the calendar section (p. 28) for a taste of all of the openings and events coming up. There are even more events listed on our online calendar at southwestcontemporary.com, with more added daily. Online, you can also sign up for our newsletter to receive our curated list of recommended events every week!
Please enjoy the new issue, and as ever, letters to the editor are always welcome and we so appreciate hearing your feedback, responses, and thoughts on arts in New Mexico. Let us know what you think!

to the editor:
Hello Lauren,
I have meant to write you/The Magazine for several months to share my enthusiasm for the changes that you have incorporated in the development and publishing of The.
I have been a reader for many years, but have especially enjoyed the increase in the quality of the writing, focus on more artists, the layout changes, cover logo design, and more. Another example, I like how you have devoted full pages to illustrations by Janell Langford [“Santa Fe Women,” 2018]which are delightful and so graphically pleasing.
Your last issue which spotlighted artists-to-watch who are noteworthy was inspiring [“12 New Mexico Artists to Know Now,” February-March 2019]. And clearly from the number of applicants, there was a collective shout of “thank you” and please more!
I live in Albuquerque and The availability is inconsistent for me. For example, I finally found one coffee shop (Zendo’s) where The has a box but this month: nada! I would like to know where I can reliably pick up The in ABQ.
So, kudos Lauren for you and your team. The sophistication, commitment to quality, art, and community is appreciated!
—Mary Z., Albuquerque, NM
From the Editor: A list of all distribution locations can be found on our website at southwestcontemporary.com/the-distribution-locations. We recently added six new locations in Albuquerque, and are planning to add more soon. You can always call us when boxes are empty so we can refill them! Thanks!
Lauren, Your reenlivening new energy in the Magazine is inspiring!
After thirty years of making art in Santa Fe, I’m mostly located in northern California now but I feel very connected to the land and art community there. Happy to read what’s happening. Looking forward to my next trip back.
—Sherri Silverman, Ross, CA