SV Randall’s multi-media practice investigates how our exterior perception aligns with our interior selves, and in doing so highlights larger social issues.

SV Randall’s practice encompasses a range of media, including sculpture, installation, painting, and performance and addresses the various ways in which objects mutate in nature and function across time.
“The recurring question that drives my work is, ‘how does our exterior perception mesh with our interior selves?’ Exploring the misalignment from this question has become a fissure that has opened new paths to understand how we situate ourselves in the world—principally highlighting larger issues of social visibility, class structures, technological obsolesce, and spatial politics.
Through the poetry of everyday experience and the use of symbolically charged materials, I create sculptures that mimic the veneer of different strands in American society’s material culture. Across all of my diverse projects, the common thread has been a drive to reactivate materials in an attempt to coalesce object, site, and narrative in physical form.”
SV Randall is an interdisciplinary artist from Buffalo, NY. He received his MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University and his BFA from Alfred University. He is currently an assistant professor of visual and performing arts at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Dallas, TX | | ig: @sv.randall