1. How long have you worked for The Magazine?
I have worked with The Magazine for 12 years as the distributor and am honored to be part of The Magazine family. I am fortunate to have worked with two of the greatest publishers. The current publisher and owner, Lauren Tresp, is very adventures, ambitious, compassionate, and an overall great person to work with.
2. What does your work for The involve on a normal day?
My normal day involves making sure that the racks and boxes are not empty and functional. Removing and cleaning stickers and graffiti is neverending.
3. What’s the strangest thing you ever found in or on one of our boxes?
There are many strange things that I have found in boxes. (Not sure if you want to mention some of these as they may keep people from opening our boxes.) Just to name a few: A live cat that jumped at me when opening the box to refill it; dead snake that sat beneath the shelf; peoples trash on the bottom of the shelf is constant; other publications; and much more.
A few years back a wallet was found inside one of our boxes. I called the owner of the wallet in White Rock and we met in Pojoaque, she was relieved that it was returned. She had dropped her wallet the previous evening somewhere at the Plaza. Fortunately for her nothing was missing!