From Ernesto Neto at Museum of Fine Arts Houston to the intersection of art and science at the Bonneville Salt Flats, our top five arts and culture picks for the next five days.

Entangled Futurities
form & concept / Santa Fe
Friday, May 28, 5-7 pm
Entangled Futurities: metaspores for queer trans/genic symbionts is a two-person exhibition featuring ink drawings, small sculptures, and a sound installation by emerging New Mexico artists Tigre (Bailando) Mashaal-Lively and Pascal Emmer. Mashaal-Lively’s work was featured in our recent print issue, Flights of Fancy.

Swoon: Wholeness in Mind
Turner Carroll Gallery / Santa Fe
Friday, May 28, 5-7 pm MDT
Turner Carroll Gallery celebrates its thirtieth anniversary with an exhibition by Caledonia Curry, also known as Swoon, whose street art portraits have appeared throughout the world. This exhibition includes block print on paper images, large-scale works on wood, and a new body of drawings. On view through July 11 in-person and online.

Museum of Fine Arts / Houston
May 30–September 26, 2021
This major commission by renowned Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto transforms the museum’s Cullinan Hall into a suspended walkway. When visitors enter the sculptural work, they can explore a complex labyrinth of interactive pathways. Tune in for a virtual talk with Neto and curator Mari Carmen Ramírez on June 5.

Author Discussion: Miracle Country
Nevada Reads / Reno
Wednesday, June 2, 1-2 pm MDT
Nevada Humanities presents a virtual author talk with Kendra Atleework about her recent memoir. Miracle Country is a book about flight and return, emptiness and bounty, the realities of a harsh and changing climate, and the true meaning of home. Atleework weaves together historical accounts, personal narratives, and environmental history.

Evaporated: Explorations in Art, Science, and Salt
Granary Arts / Salt Lake City
May 19–September 17, 2021
A new exhibition featuring works by artist Wendy Wischer and geoscientist Brenda Bowen explores the intersections between art and science at the Bonneville Salt Flats, a vast and dynamic perennial salt pan in northwest Utah formed by the evaporation of the Pleistocene-era Lake Bonneville.