Our top five picks for arts and culture events in the southwest.

In the Sliver of the Sun: Maja Ruznic
Harwood Museum / Taos
Friday, April 2, 11 am-5 pm MDT
The Harwood Museum reopens on Friday with several exhibitions, including In the Sliver of the Sun. The works in this series by Maja Ruznic depict ghostly figures that create a sense of touch through erasure. The artist will provide a virtual talk on April 22.

Pre-Raphaelite Girl Gang: Fifty Makers, Shakers, and Heartbreakers from the Victorian Era
Nevada Museum of Art / Reno
Friday, April 2, 1-2 pm MDT
Art historian and author Kirsty Stonell Walker explores the colorful histories of women of the era in her book, Pre-Raphaelite Girl Gang. She will introduce an enchanting and revolutionary band of women who provide inspiration for groundbreakers today.

Global Littorals with Christopher Hight
Rice Architecture / Houston
Monday, April 5, 11 am-12 pm MDT
The Rice Architecture lecture series “New Proximities” is a collective reckoning of health as a social, political, and fundamentally spatial condition. This series asks, among other questions, how COVID-19 and its compounding crises render visible the uneven geographies in which we operate.

Visiting Artist Lecture: Robert Pruitt
University of Colorado Boulder / Boulder
Tuesday, April 6, 6:30 pm MDT
Robert Pruitt works in a variety of materials, but his practice is chiefly centered on rendering portraits of the human body, specifically the Black body. He projects onto these bodies a juxtaposing series of experiences and material references, denoting a diverse and radical black past, present, and future.

Where do we stand? Alicia Inez Guzmán on the History of New Mexico
516 Arts / Albuquerque
Thursday, April 8, 6-7 pm MDT
To acknowledge land and histories of land use in New Mexico is to acknowledge the generations of stewards and the waves of settlers brought with colonization. Writer, editor, educator, and curator Alicia Inez Guzmán will speak about the history of land use in New Mexico through the lens of this region’s visual culture.