Experience the gallery’s newest exhibitions in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, this fall.

Fall Exhibition Openings
October–November, 2024
RioBravoFineArt, Truth or Consequences, NM
De Reyes y Naciementos
opening: Saturday, October 12, 6-9 pm
RioBravoFineArt’s October show, De Reyes y Nacimientos, is a small sampling of work by Puerto Rican artists who attended InterAmerican University of San German, Puerto Rico, in the 1980s. The show, though small, is a wonderful tribute to artists who represent one of the most dynamic cultures in the Caribbean. The show runs through December 29, 2024.
Mergers and Acquisitions
opening: Saturday, November 9, 11 am-9 pm
RioBravoFineArt is excited to announce that its annual fiber-art show is Mergers and Acquisitions by Suzanne Pointon. After a successful and varied career involving marketing and the hospitality world, Pointon has “retired” into her first love—art. She was trained at Kansas City Art Institute and Parson’s School of Design in New York and is using her art and design background to explore creative ways to combine the classic wall-art format with various fabrics—medical gauze, felted wool, chenille yarn—to create strikingly vibrant artwork. Many of the pieces reflect both the familiar in the art world and the familiar in the everyday world. This dual context gives Pointon’s work an instant visual appeal. Some pieces in the style of geometric abstraction, for example, appear as a snippet of pattern from a much-prized Native American rug of the Southwest. Fiber art in its many forms is gaining full recognition in the fine-art world, and Pointon is at the forefront of experimentation and innovation in the world of fiber art.
For the opening of the fiber show, the usual Art Hop hours at the gallery have been extended from 11 am to 9 pm. Refreshments will be served during the opening hours, and there will be live music from 2 to 5 pm. The show ends January 26, 2025.
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