Donna Monroe: 40 Years of Innovative Wit
November 14—December 28, 2020
RioBravoFineArt Gallery
Donna Monroe: 40 Years Innovative Wit, a fine-art textile show by artist Donna Monroe, will open at RioBravoFineArt Gallery on Saturday, November 14, 2020. This show, two years in the planning, is a unique and exceptional event.
Monroe’s exhibition is singularly important to the history of art in New Mexico and textile art globally; the gallery is advertising the exhibition in the leading international textile publication, Selvedge Magazine, which is published in London.
Monroe is part of the long history of textiles as they entered the realm of fine art in the early 1960s. At 82, her lifelong art practice has never previously been exhibited in its entirety.
This exhibition gathers the prodigious and historical collection of the artist’s work. The story begins with Monroe’s graduation with a BA in 1983 and MA in 1984 from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a focus on photography and printmaking. Examples of her early work are included along with her growing body of sculpture, embellished textiles, totem figures, shrines, assemblages, altered books, and paper collage.
The exhibition was curated by Susan A. Christie, editor and publisher of the New Mexico Fiber Arts Directory.
The show runs concurrently with an exhibition of work by Delmas Howe, An 85th Birthday Retrospective, which opened in October. Both shows will be on display through December 27, 2020.
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RioBravoFineArt Gallery, located in the Historic Hot Springs District of Truth or Consequences, NM, was established in 2001 by Harold Joe Waldrum, an important modernist artist of the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first century. He is noted for his paintings, linocuts, and aquatints of northern New Mexico churches. Waldrum died in 2003, and the gallery continues as part of his artistic legacy. The bulk of the artwork at the time of Waldrum’s death (a large collection of print media and paintings) resides with the gallery. The gallery also represents a wide range of artwork—paintings, print media, mixed media, sculpture, fiber art—by regional and national artists.
wed-sun 12 pm-5 pm / by appointment
110 N Broadway, Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
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