Catherine Roberts Leach: Finding Creativity in the Pandemic
For many photographers, an artistic practice happens out in the world and away from the studio. Fine art photographer Catherine Roberts Leach was challenged with a new set of limitations when the pandemic hit in 2020 and like many others, had to adapt life to the confines of her own home. She had recently moved to the Santa Fe area from Los Angeles, which most likely contributed to her ability to see her tight quarters with creative eyes.
Light and shadow have always played a prominent role in Leach’s work and she naturally began to notice how light crept across an exterior wall in her garden and how the sky reflected in the birdbath. She began to document these subtleties and gradually became more aware and intrigued by these previously mundane details. Two new series were born from this extended period of close-looking within the walls of her home, Close to Home and Light Enchantment. Close to Home looks specifically at the abstract versions of water and ice she finds in her birdbath, and Light Enchantment offers abstract perspectives of her surrounding architecture. For Leach, the pandemic provided a new way to look and possibilities where she saw none before.
Prints from Close to Home and Through the Looking Glass are now available for purchase on the artist’s website.

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Catherine Roberts Leach
A primary focus of Catherine Leach’s work over the years has been on mood and mystery, light and shadow. She has exhibited at the Los Angeles International Airport, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s Art Rental and Sales Gallery, and at the Brand Library and Gallery. Her photography has also been printed in numerous literary publications and exhibited in gallery solo and group exhibitions across the United States.
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