Broadcasting the Light: Lisa Chernoff + Nancy and Jon Couch
opening reception: November 9, 1-3 pm
ongoing exhibition: October 29-November 9
meet the artists for Coffee Artscrawl: November 3, 10 am-2 pm
Art glass is an ancient craft, invented by the Phoenicians. Each generation of glass artists since have found new ways to manipulate this fragile yet resilient medium to express themselves.
Lisa Chernoff works with extreme heat to bend and coax glass to her vision. Nancy and Jon Couch cut glass into designs that broadcast light.
Lisa Chernoff’s fused glass sculpture is inspired by elements found in nature, usually more abstract than the new poppy series in this exhibition. The poppy project began as a commission. It is a style that Lisa doesn’t usually do but she found it so unexpectedly delightful that she’s done more for this exhibition.
Nancy and Jon Couch have shared their “Gifts of Light” for over forty years with stained glass windows, Water Prisms, jewelry boxes, mandalas, lamps, sun catchers and ornaments. All are designed to bring ever changing light and rainbows into your home with soothing, relaxing and uplifting colors. Inspired by grand church windows throughout the world, Nancy and Jon are grateful to have been able to create custom stained glass windows for several local churches, knowing they will be admired and seen by future generations.
The artist’s reception will be celebrated with fellowship and refreshments on Saturday, November 9, 1-3 pm with a Meet the Artists for Coffee Artscrawl event in the gallery on Sunday, November 3, 10 am–2 pm.