Introducing Smoke The Moon, a new contemporary gallery and one of Santa Fe’s newest additions to the downtown art landscape.
August 13—September 12, 2021
Smoke The Moon, Santa Fe
One of Santa Fe’s newest additions to the downtown art landscape is Smoke The Moon, a new contemporary gallery located on the second floor of 101 West Marcy Street. The gallery opened in mid-June after eighteen months of quarantine and lockdown with a salon of work inspired by the psychedelic desert called High Desert High. The show included the work of twenty-two artists from across North America and Europe and offered a playful approach to the typical Southwestern subject.
Despite a few hiccups with big monsoon storms and the sporadic power failure, the summer buzzed with renewed energy, and Smoke The Moon presented two concurrent solo shows: Southwestern by Paige Turner-Uribe, and Diary of the Usual Sadness by Palestinian-Canadian Ibrahim Abusitta. Turner-Uribe has deep family ties to Albuquerque and this was the first time she has exhibited in Santa Fe. Abusitta, a Toronto-based artist and well known in Canada, debuted a new series of floral bouquet paintings.
The gallery’s current salon show is dedicated to the aforementioned notion of “re-entry,” or, the cheerful moment during summer when it seemed that life would resume. Chrysalis*Metamorphosis is a group show of painting (and some ceramic work) that features more than twenty emerging artists from across the U.S. and Canada. The motif of the butterfly is the through-line in this joyous, colorful, humorous, and at times, witty exhibition. Be sure to visit Chrysalis*Metamorphosis before it closes on September 12 and experience exciting new works in painting from across the country at Smoke The Moon.
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Smoke The Moon is located at 101 West Marcy Street in suite 203 (second floor), Santa Fe, NM, 87501. Please visit @smokethemoon on Instagram for more information.
wed-sun 12-4 pm / by appointment