Lost Padre Records, Santa Fe
The Matador, Santa Fe
Lost Padre Records is a place where you can easily get lost for hours. The shop itself is small—just half an adobe house at 304 Catron Street near downtown Santa Fe—but within its walls is a high density of records you’ll want to discover and rediscover. George Casey, who opened the shop in May, is committed to bringing music to Santa Fe. In addition to buying and selling records, he also DJs around town and hosts live music events at Lost Padre. You can keep up with all of George’s activities at lostpadrerecords.com.
tasting notes with:
George Casey.
Proprietor, Lost Padre Records.
The Matador, Santa Fe.
Negra Modelo.
recommended food pairing:
Cheap tacos.
music pairing recommendation:
Punk rock.
current mood:
It’s my day off, so relaxed.
one thing you wanted to happen this year that did:
Opening Lost Padre.
the biggest challenge you face this year:
Keeping everything about the store organized.
the biggest challenge you face tomorrow:
Keeping the store interesting.
what was your first job?
Teaching English in Prague.
what did it teach you?
That I’m not a teacher.
what was the first record you owned?
Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon.

what record did you listen to most recently?
Flaco Jiménez, Mis 25 Años.
teach us how to spot a good used record in three steps:
If the music is good, it’s good, but for condition:
1. The sleeve should be in good shape.
2. The record shouldn’t have any warps.
3. Use your cell phone flashlight to make sure the vinyl doesn’t have too many marks.
one thing opening your own record store has taught you:
A million factors go into owning a retail store, and it’s hard to do all of them right.
your favorite thing about vinyl:
Somehow, used records have more leftover, residual energy from the last person who used them than a CD or a tape.
a vinyl trend that should die:
Unauthorized Russian re-issues.
what comes next?
More live music at the shop, more DJing around town, and I’m going to try to start booking bands at venues in Santa Fe.