Hopi Cultural Center
AZ Hwy 264, Milepost 379
Second Mesa, AZ 86043
Motel + Restaurant: Mon–Sat, 11 am–7:30 pm / Sun, 10 am–3 pm
Tu’hisveh Gift Shop: Mon–Sun, 10 am– 6 pm
The Hopi Cultural Center is centrally located between the Hopi mesas in northeast Arizona, with panoramic views of the surrounding low-altitude desert. The center has everything you need to experience the history and culture of the Hopi people, who have inhabited this land since 1100 AD. It has spacious rooms for an overnight stay, a restaurant that serves traditional Hopi and American food, and the Tu’hisveh Gift Shop, which sells traditional Kachina dolls, pottery, baskets, and more from various Hopi artists.