Influenced by the daring expressions of Fritz Scholder, the storytelling prowess of Larry Littlebird, the raw intensity of Daniel Richter, and the revolutionary spirit of Basquiat, Jesse Littlebirdʼs Promisedland is a rich tapestry of cross-cultural and interdisciplinary narratives. Promisedland is a declaration of sovereignty and a reclamation over the narrative of land rights and struggle for dignity across the globe that people in the West are fortunate to be ignorant to.
Jesse Raine Littlebird (Laguna/Kewa Pueblos) born 1992 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is an artist, painter, writer, and film director. Expression through the medium of painting and film is a vital part of life for Jesse with his Indigenous heritage deeply rooted in the oral tradition culture of his Pueblo Indian lineage and growing up in a
creative household of art, film, and story. He is a Sundance Institute Full Circle Fellow, and Andy Warhol Foundation recipient. He works full-time as an artist and resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico.