Gallery of Fire is a collaborative exhibition between Flagstaff based artists Shawn Skabelund and Chelsea Arndt. The exhibition involves three site-specific, place-based installations which include Gallery of Fire, Fidelity and Wandering Angel: Exemplar, Looking Back.
These installations explore what happens when fire suppression is introduced into a pure lodgepole pine landscape like the one found in the Snowy Range of Eastern Wyoming. As humans, we now are viewers of the consequences of climate change, vis à vis warmer and drier weather, leading to an epidemic of pine beetle kill-off, leading to an abundance of fuel, leading to catastrophic fire, leading to landscape change. We have become viewers to this relatively new landscape, this new Gallery of Fire.
January 31, 2025 - March 21, 2025
University of Wyoming Visual Arts Gallery, Laramie
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82070