There is a sheer-cliff-edge-breath-stealing quality to David Simpson’s interference paintings. They can elicit that intake of breath that signals the movement to another level of attention. Ha! A breath… now the viewer leans in a bit closer and starts to see.
A painting like Sapphire—with its shadow-and-light shifting surface, alternately deepening into shades near-purple and sharpening into silvered sky—somehow presents an opening in the gallery. An opening in the world. Here is the vastness of clear sky. The brilliant clarity of what Buddhists sometimes call sky mind. Let yourself fall into that space.
Sometimes it’s okay to step out of yourself in order to sink more fully into yourself. David Simpson’s brilliant, color-shifting worlds offer that opportunity —the coming home that can happen when we reach out to meet beauty.
January 31, 2025 - February 28, 2025
Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe
554 S Guadalupe St, Santa Fe, NM 87501